Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor in Sport Management, Department of Sport Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.



Purpose: Exploring Consumer Behaviors in eSports Consumption in Iran and its Implications for the Cultural Landscape.
Methodology: This qualitative research employed a grounded theory approach to investigate Consumer Behaviors in eSports Consumption in Iran. The study utilized situational analysis as the chosen approach within the grounded theory to provide a comprehensive understanding of the context, arena/social worlds, and positions of eSports Consumption.
Findings: The findings reveal that Consumer Behaviors of eSports Consumption in Iran are significantly influenced by two key factors: (1) game preferences and (2) social interactions. The study identifies five distinct eSports Consumption positions that emerge from these factors' interplay. These findings contribute to the literature by comprehensively describing consumer behaviors in eSports consumption, shedding light on the cultural dynamics and preferences within the Iranian context.
Originality: This research has practical implications for stakeholders, including eSports industry professionals, marketers, and policymakers. The insights gained from understanding consumer behaviors in eSports consumption can inform strategic decision-making processes, such as game development, marketing campaigns, and creating engaging social environments for eSports enthusiasts. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, this study paves the way for developing tailored approaches to cater to the unique needs and preferences of Iranian eSports consumers.


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