Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor in Sport Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.


Purpose: Considering the importance and ever-increasing growth of technology in sports, this study was conducted to identify the benefits of digital marketing in sports events.
Methodology: This study employed a qualitative, exploratory approach utilizing a thematic analysis method. The study's research population consisted of experts in sports and modern technologies, and 15 individuals were purposively selected as research participants based on their expertise. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter until theoretical saturation was reached.
Findings: Using thematic analysis in the interviews led to identifying 82 codes, 12 sub-themes, and four main themes. Summarizing and classifying the findings revealed that the benefits of phygital marketing in sports events included "Event brand development," "Deeper experience," "Service quality," and "Efficient interactions." Considering the growing trend of technology in sports, the findings of this research demonstrated that phygital marketing, as one of the key aspects of technology, can lead to significant benefits in sports events.
Originality: This research can be considered one of the first qualitative studies concerning the positive consequences of phygital marketing in sports events on both domestic and international scales.


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