Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student of Sports Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, University of Tehran, Farabi Campus, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor, Business Management Department, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Sports Management Department, Faculty of Management and Accounting, University of Tehran, Farabi Campus, Tehran, Iran.

4 Professor, Sports Industry Studies Department, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea.

5 Associate Professor, Business Management Department, Faculty of Management and Accounting, University of Tehran, Farabi Campus, Tehran, Iran.

6 Associate Professor, Sports Management Department, Faculty of Management and Accounting, University of Tehran, Farabi Campus, Tehran, Iran.


Purpose: Strategic innovation is a type of innovation that can bring significant consequences and impacts and create considerable changes in markets and industries. However, there is little research on the consequences of strategic innovation, and the purpose of this research is to identify and conceptualize the consequences of strategic innovation in the football industry.
Methodology: This research is a mixed method (qualitative-qualitative-quantitative), and in terms of purpose, it is applied to developmental research. At first, the meta-synthesis method was used in the qualitative stage, then the case study, and in the quantitative stage, the DEMATEL method was used. A systematic literature review published from 1998 to 2022 was used to collect the data in the meta-synthesis stage. The primary data for the case study was obtained by analyzing the content. Also, in the case study stage, interviews were conducted with 21 experts active in the executive and academic departments of the football industry. Content analysis was used to analyze it, and finally, in the survey phase, using a questionnaire, the DEMATEL technique was used for the final model.
Findings: The research results show that the consequences of strategic innovation are categorized into five categories: value creation and customer satisfaction, becoming competitive and improving competitiveness, increasing productivity, new markets and growing market share, wealth creation, and profitability.         
Originality: The present research helps managers and activists of the football industry have a comprehensive view of the effects and consequences of strategic innovation in the football industry and achieve these results by applying it in football clubs.


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