Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Sports Management, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Management, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Iran.


Purpose: The present study aims to provide a model to explain the role of sport in Iran's sustainable development. The research method was grounded in pluralism theory in data.
Methodology: According to the research, initially using library studies, the elements of participation were identified. After in-depth interviews with 17 professionals and scientific experts, the theme analysis method was used to extra and group the elements. The output of this step was to identify 92 indicators in the form of 5 main dimensions and 12 sub-dimensions. Convergent and divergent validity was used to determine the validity (0.85), and all results were satisfactory.
Findings: The results showed that preparation and formulation of a strategic plan for public and championship sports, officials' attention to the capacity of the private sector in sports activities, expansion of sports venues in an urban and balanced distribution of facilities, and Recreational and sports equipment is essential for all citizens. But to solve the problems, pay attention to organizational strategies, including the development of a strategic plan for public participation in the sports organization and the use of control and evaluation tools to ensure the effectiveness of teamwork and involvement in sports along with creating a work environment with trust and honesty among participants. It can provide a platform for sustainability to improve personal and interpersonal communication among participants.
Originality: The implementation of research in the field of sports tourism with a sustainable development approach based on a hybrid model has not been done before, it is obvious that any research that is done for the first time helps to expand the boundaries of knowledge and can be the basis for future researches and for this reason It is considered authentic.


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