Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of sport management, Faculty of Sport Science, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.


Purpose: Investigating people's willingness to pay for sports is one of the best ways to increase demand. Through it, the economic development of the desired sports venue can be achieved.
Methodology: The current research was applied as a part of descriptive-analytical research carried out in the field. The statistical sample of the five places is in Baghshomal, Manzarieh, Mirdamad, Imam Ali Sports Complex, and Tabriz Khiyabani Sports Complex. The statistical population of the visitors to these places was 534 randomly selected according to Morgan's table and clustered. The measurement tool was the willingness to pay questionnaire by Bidram et al. (2017) and the quality of sports services by Liu (2008). Logit probit was used to investigate the research questions using SPSS and Eviews software.
Findings: The research results indicate that the average willingness to pay for team sports was 43.95 tomans and 51.06 tomans for individual sports. The total economic value (willingness to pay) of the team and individual sports for these places equals 129213 Tomans and 18259056 Tomans, respectively. Also, the results showed that all components of the quality of sports services, such as satisfaction, equipment, and facilities have a positive and significant effect on the proposed value for paying for places.
Originality: In this study, we examined the willingness of people to pay for sports and the impact of service quality on the value proposition that has not been studied so far.


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