Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Candidate in Sport Management, Physical Education Faculty, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Associated Professor in Sport Management, Sport Sciences Faculty, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Faculty Sport Sciences, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.

4 PhD in Sport Management, Kish International Campus, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


Purpose: The coronavirus has posed significant challenges to organizations' talent management systems. Therefore, a model for talent management of sports organizations has been designed and validated to adapt to this situation.
Methodology: This research is mixed (qualitative-quantitative) in terms of applied purpose and collection method. This study's statistical population comprised experts in sports management at the university, many implementations, and the Ministry of Sports and Youth staff. The purposive sampling method was used for qualitative sampling, and sampling continued until the theoretical saturation was reached; based on this, 15 interviews were conducted. In the quantitative section, 405 samples based on the number of parameters calculated in the qualitative area were randomly selected. Coding and confirmatory factor analysis were used to analyze the data: The structural-breath (ISM) method and ISM software.
Findings: The results showed that talent management of sports organizations is a function of causal factors (strategic agility, diversity management, convergent innovation, flexibility maturity, business intelligence, electronic knowledge management), contextual (online learning and training, organizational transformation, digital transformation) And interventionist (globalization, turbulent atmosphere, global mobility) and by applying blockchain implementation strategies for selection and recruitment, electronic human resource management, strategic alignment and strategic identification of human capital, one can expect personal and organizational consequences. It was positive for sports organizations. Based on the obtained results, talent management in sports organizations is affected by causal, contextual, and intervening conditions, and in dealing with them, the mentioned organizations need a blockchain system for selection and employment. Plan and implement e-human resource management, strategic alignment, and strategic identification of human capital.
Originality: One of the challenges of today's sports organizations is talent management. In this research, an attempt was made to provide a comprehensive model in this field with a comprehensive view and simultaneously with the outbreak of the Corona pandemic.


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