Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student, Department of Sports Management, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran.

2 PhD Student, Sports Management, Kurdistan University, Sanandaj, Iran


Purpose: This research aimed to study brand equity in product advertisements and its recommendation to other consumers.
Methodology: The statistical population of the research consists of all physical education students of Kermanshah province who were consumers of sports goods. Four hundred people were selected by random sampling, and the data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and structural equation modeling.
Findings: The results showed a direct and significant relationship between the attitude towards advertisements with brand equity and the purchase recommendation. Also, brand equity positively and directly correlates with the purchase recommendation. Considering the importance of brand value and purchase recommendation, commercial organizations can use the strategy of endorsement by famous athletes. In this way, better conveying the concepts in advertising messages can be more successful in attracting customers.
Originality: In this research, the researcher has investigated the critical challenges companies face to remain in today's competitive and turbulent world and create and maintain a reliable brand name. We have found that the effect of advertising to reach and maintain this competitive advantage is significant.


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