Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student in Sports Management, Non-Profit Ivanki University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate professor, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Farhangian University, Shahid Chamran Campus, Tehran, Iran.



Purpose:  Competitive advantage is the distinguishing factor that positions an organization or company ahead of its competitors, encompassing superior features of products or services, cost-effectiveness, organizational culture, and innovative technologies. To sustain and enhance a competitive edge, companies must prioritize continuous improvement and innovation. This study scrutinizes the indicators of the competitive advantage of the Islamic Republic of Iran Skating Federation, employing the Importance-Performance Analysis framework, and explores its implications for business, employment, and entrepreneurship within the skating industry.
Methodology: This research adopts an applied purpose and a descriptive method. The statistical population includes experts in the field of skating. Given the expert-centric approach used to analyze importance and performance, 73 individuals within the skating sports community were selected as samples. Criteria such as extensive experience in skating sports and appropriate education were considered in the selection process.
Findings: The prioritization and weighting process identified six variables placed in the first quarter. These include (1) specialized infrastructure of skating fields, (2) training spaces, (3) expansion of training places for future skating, (4) development of technical standards for skating advancement, (5) availability of training spaces (ensuring easy access to skating), and (6) emphasis on fundamental teams and young athletes in the country. Furthermore, the study elucidates how these indicators relate to business strategies, employment practices, and entrepreneurial activities within the skating ecosystem.
Originality: This research pioneers an exploration into the competitive advantage of the skating federation, offering valuable insights into its current state and its implications for the broader business landscape, employment opportunities, and entrepreneurial endeavors within the skating industry. The findings can inform strategic planning and international goal-setting initiatives, providing a novel perspective on the skating federation's competitive positioning and its multifaceted impact.

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