Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student of Sport Management, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Sport Management, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran.


Purpose: The current research aimed to identify and prioritize the structural challenges of attracting and maintaining sponsors in professional sports in Iran.
Methodology: The research employed a mixed methods approach, integrating qualitative and quantitative techniques through thematic analysis. The statistical population comprised experts in the sports sector, including presidents, vice-presidents, secretaries, marketing managers of federations, and managers and deputy ministers. A purposeful sampling method was utilized, and in-depth interviews were conducted with 24 participants until theoretical saturation was reached. The coding technique and NVIVO software were used for data analysis. Following the identification and ranking of challenges, an AHP questionnaire was designed and distributed to 16 experts in the sports and marketing industry.
Findings: The results indicated that structural challenges to attracting sponsors in professional sports were identified across six themes: the marketing literacy of managers and human resources, strategic thinking, inefficiencies in the financial system and legal issues, the need for quick adaptation to changes, university positioning and research, as well as the role of politics and government. Additionally, structural challenges in maintaining sponsors in professional sports were identified across seven themes: the lack of marketing focus in organizational structure, branding and performance of notable teams and players, public relations and infrastructure, appointments and strategic thinking, inefficiencies in the financial system and legal issues, monitoring and evaluation systems, and again the role of politics and government. These challenges were prioritized using the AHP method. The findings of this research can help managers recognize their shortcomings and inappropriate actions regarding attracting and retaining financial sponsors in professional sports, allowing them to implement practical solutions and strategies to tackle these challenges.
Originality: This study is the first to explicitly identify the structural challenges of attracting and retaining financial sponsors in professional sports in Iran. Additionally, it examines and assesses the significance of each identified structural challenge.


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